Benefits of Broadband

What is broadband?

Broadband is any connection that allows data to move quickly from the internet to your device. Much like a water or gas pipeline, broadband is like an internet pipeline.

In Louisiana, we define broadband as connections with minimum speeds of 100 megabits per second download (when data loads from the internet to your computer or device) and 20 megabits per second upload (when you send data from your computer or device out to the internet).

Why is broadband important?

Access to high-speed internet service through the expansion of broadband in Louisiana allows all residents and businesses the same opportunities and connectivity as those living in major cities. Our rural communities deserve the same level of access to high-speed internet, which is a critical piece of our state’s infrastructure.

By expanding broadband connectivity throughout our state, we can further ignite economic growth and help ensure our local communities can remain competitive and thrive in today’s economy.

Benefits of Broadband